Trading in the stock market is inherently risky, and the users agree to take complete and full responsibility for the outcomes of all trading decisions that they make, including but not limited to the loss of capital. The SEBI registered intermediaries/experts may disseminate their analysis, research reports, and recommendations by using the services provided by the company and the website, which may include SMS or Email communications, or may ask the company, or any of the employees of such companies, to disseminate such information on their behalf. None of these communications should be construed as an offer to buy or sell securities, nor advice to do so. All recommendations made by their company and their employees/owners are for informational purposes only, and under no circumstances should be used as the basis of actual trading. Under no circumstances should any user make trading decisions based solely on the information available on the website. The company is not acting as a qualified financial advisor, and the users should not construe any information discussed on the website to constitute investment advice. It is informational in nature.